The Collective

Wesley is the host and one of the leaders of the system known
as The Collective. He is a professional artist, and 3D modeler.
Because of him, every member of The Collective shares the same
artistic ability and skill. However, not all share the same vision
and/or desire to create art that he does. Wes' interests include:
horror of all kinds, death metal and industrial music, artistic
expression, writing, 3D modeling, video games, and movies.
Legion is one of the two protectors of The Collective,
and one of the two leaders as well. He helps guide
Wes day to day and takes on tasks that are too big or
overwhelming for Wes to take on, on his own.
Legion is interested in motorcycles, sex, hip hop and
country music, and horror movies.
Jon is the second of the two protectors of The Collective.
He also acts as an advisor to Wes and Legion, and keeps
them grounded and acting somewhat civilized. Jon loves
books, tea, classical music, peace and quiet.
Zack is the other advisor of The Collective. While Jon
errs on the side of caution, Zack urges Wes to step out of
his comfort zone and jump head first into new experiences.
Zack is kind and trusting of nature, and is often deemed as "The
second cutest one." His interests include: Prince, pop and happy
hardcore music, good times with friends, and socializing.
Joanna offers pragmatism to The Collective. She acts as a voice
of reason and sanity in a sea of insanity. (In other words,
she calls the rest of us out on our bullshit.) She has a tough love
approach and is not afraid to tell any of the other of the members
of the collective what they need to be improving upon. She's
interested in cute fluffy things, pink things, pink fashion,
metal music, horror movies, action movies, and alcohol.
Lief reminds the others in the collective that work is nice
and boring and all, but one cannot forget to have fun as well.
What can be said about this man? King of kings,
ruler of realms, conquerer of your heart, etherially beautiful,
here to steal your girl but no really you can come too. And
that's just what he and my girlfriend told me to say. His interests
include: himself, gossip, having fun and hijinks,
video games, getting others to join him in his fun and hijinks,
pop music (but only if it's sexy), drugs, alcohol, and loki.
Oxiel is the judge and jury of The Collective. He is the
keeper of secrets, and also the one who bears the worst
of the body's physical pain. Oxiel sticks primarily to the
shadows of the mind, and speaks mostly to Joanna,
Zack, Lief and Richard. His interests include: visual kei music,
fantasy novels, art, and fantasy movies.
Richard, aka "The Doc", aka "Doctor", aka "Doctor Dick", is
the one in The Collective in charge of the physical wellbeing
of the body, and Wes' mental health. He draws things to 
Wes' attention that need to be addressed. He also makes
sure Wes keeps his living area clean. Richard's interests include:
20's-50's era music, medical oddities, outdated medical practices,
and old twilight zone reruns.